Founded in 1997, we are a community-based nonprofit and membership organization serving storytellers and listeners across New Mexico.


Our Mission

Storytellers of New Mexico promotes, supports, and encourages the history, art, and practice of storytelling.  


Storytellers of New Mexico is committed to providing a non-discriminatory and welcoming environment for participants at its events. STNM provides guidelines to tellers, but does not dictate story choices. We are committed to cultivating an inclusive storytelling experience for all.


STNM acknowledges and pays our deep respect to all the Indigenous speaking Tribes/people of New Mexico, their elders and ancestors — past, present and future.  We acknowledge and offer deep gratitude to this Native land, to the Four Directions, and to the water that sustains us all.  We invite others to join us in that acknowledgment, that respect and that gratitude.


STNM produces original storytelling programming across the state, including monthly story crafting sessions, bi-monthly personal and/or traditional storytelling shows, intermittent educational/workshop opportunities, and participation in two annual global storytelling showcases.

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STNM is a membership organization. We support and are supported by our members, which are the heart of the organization. Our members include professional storytellers, hobbyists, those who are curious, and those who prefer to listen. We have Community and Professional membership levels with different benefits. Join STNM and become part of the story!

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Find a storyteller

We love connecting storytellers and listeners! Need a storyteller for an upcoming event? Want to bring story into a school or community center you work with? Check out our storyteller directory to find the right teller for your event.