STNM Board of Directors
STNM’s all-volunteer Board of Directors is elected by the STNM membership yearly. The Annual Membership Meeting is held each March and regular Board Meetings are held each quarter for the remainder of the year. Our members are welcome to attend the Annual membership and quarterly board meetings.
Welcome to the incoming Board of Directors for Storytellers of New Mexico, Inc.
The ballots are in, and all candidates were approved overwhelmingly by the STNM voting membership.
Many thanks to outgoing board members: Elaine Muray, Vice President of Programming; Chris Fulcher and Michelle Adam, both At-large board members.
Plan on joining the Annual Meeting of Storytellers of New Mexico and the installation of new officers on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Details below:
2025-26 annual meeting schedule/zoom link
The ANNUAL MEETING OF STORYTELLERS OF NEW MEXICO and installation of new officers will take place on
Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 2:00-4:30 PM
at the Friends Meeting House, 1600 5th St., NW, Albuquerque, NM.
Zoom (hybrid) participation is welcomed through the following link:
Meeting ID: 338 830 8269 Passcode: 6974
2025/2026 stnm board of directors
Dusty has been actively involved with STNM through ABQ Storycrafting and Duke City Story Slam (DCSS) since summer 2023. Dusty joined the board as an at-large board member in 2024. He is a professional animator and filmmaker. Dusty has supported STNM/DCSS programmatically and provided film opportunities to publish stories told by STNM members on our You Tube channel and on public access television station 519. He is excited about stepping into the role of Board President.
Sarah malone- cedar crest
Sarah Malone is a bilingual storyteller who has woven tales for children and adults for over 30 years. Through storytelling, Sarah breathes life into words – drawing the listener into another realm through the powerful relationship between storyteller and listener. She is a published author, recording artist, and a founding member of Storytellers of New Mexico and currently produces Duke City Story Slam (DCSS). Sarah received the National Storytelling Network 2017 Oracle Award for Service & Leadership. Given her work with STNM she no longer keeps a separate website.
Vice President of programming
Paulina began storytelling through Duke City Story Slam (DCSS) in 2020, followed by Stories at a Distance (20-21). As an at-large board member in 2024-25 Paulina has engaged with ABQ Storycrafting and DCSS. She also co-produced STNM’s first live Halloween event in 2024, to excellent reviews. As a professional STNM member, Paulina looks forward to helping develop/maintain strong programming for STNM.
Dianne Rossbach - albuquerque
Dianne looks forward to another exciting and successful year for Storytellers of New Mexico. As Treasurer, she's works to keep the financial process running smoothly, enabling the organization to fulfill it's mission. Dianne is eager to continue to support and encourage more storytelling opportunities in New Mexico. She also serves as STNM’s liaison with the National Storytelling Network (NSN). In 2024 she helped create a pilot project (along with STNM Professional member, Barry Simon), teaching storytelling to middle school students as part of STNM’s youth initiative. She is producing World Storytelling Day (WSD) for STNM in March 2025. As a Storyteller she's reaching out for new opportunities to grow as a storyteller
Laurie Boyce has been attending STNM events since January of 2023 and can’t get enough. She’s enjoyed the connections she has made over the last two years. Laurie writes, “I am here to learn from all my fellow storytellers as my goal is to become better. I believe stories are gifts. They connect us in profound ways.” As a seasoned teacher, Laurie is ready to step into the Secretary role.
Eldrena Douma - laguna pueblo/amarillo, tx.
membership coordinator
Growing up in New Mexico & Arizona among her Pueblo tribes of the Laguna, Tewa & Hopi. Growing up, her life with family and friends always included sharing pueblo stories, songs, teachable tales, and family history including both humorous and serious personal stories. Now as a professional storyteller and educator, Eldrena offers captivating stories, a variety of recorded music and historical accounts from American Indians tribes across the country. Eldrena transitioned from an At-Large Board Member to Membership Coordinator last year.
Juba Addison - las cruces
at large
Juba learned the art of storytelling from her grandmother Sarah Jane, a descendant of West African Griots. A professional storyteller, Juba has served on the STNM and Storytellers of Las Cruces boards for decades in numerous positions, including President. Juba hopes to use 2025 to help STNM continue its course as a vibrant, relevant storytelling association into the distant future, with special emphasis in Southern New Mexico. As a teaching artist, Juba encourages everyone to tell their story.
cory chandler
- albuquerque
For Kory Chandler, storytelling is a natural way to share an experience, to soak up and retain a picture, your life movie, a struggle you faced, the decisions you made. Kory comes from a long line of storytellers - although they might not call themselves that. At every family reunion there are numerous stories shared by all. Kory feels lucky to have had so many memories that contain family messages of our combined journey. Kory writes, “I am fortunate to have found this wonderful group of storytellers; information sharers, givers of goodness and all around real nice folks. I have been so impressed by the way the group continues to actively work on respecting what others have to say and acknowledging them by embracing what the storyteller shares an important part of our voyage.”
douglas jackson - las cruces
at large
A professional storyteller and board member of both Storytellers of New Mexico and Storytellers of Las Cruces, Douglas has been an STNM board member for many years. He is famous for his quick wit and delightful thank you notes to new and renewing STNM members. Doug is a retired teacher of deaf and gifted students. Doug helps support STNM’s mission in Las Cruces and beyond.
As a returning Board Member Carey a long history as a volunteer at STNM events, filling in wherever she is needed. As importantly, she has delighted our audiences with tales of her own! Carey writes, “I hope to explore new venues for storytelling and expand the opportunities for all Storytellers. And I am always open to volunteer for events when needed.”
Regina has been a professional teller for 36 years, telling stories in venues from schools, zoos and playgrounds to international storytelling festivals, wildly careening Mexican buses and Zoom boxes. She’s taught Storytelling in the Classroom and Beyond for 21 years at NYU. Regina will continue to co-produce STNM’s monthly online Santa Fe Storycrafters, which recently celebrated its 63rd consecutive monthly gathering - attracting an ever increasing number of storytelling enthusiasts from New Mexico and beyond."
Flo Trujillo as At-Large Board Member (Farmington) Flo is a retired Youth Services Coordinator at the Farmington Library for 30 years. She is renowned as the Four Corners Storytelling Festival organizer and youth storyteller mentor. Currently, Library Outreach Advisor for the STAR Net STEAM Equity Project, an initiative of the Space Science Institute, American Library Association. President of REFORMA New Mexico and the Northwest New Mexico Arts Council. Board member at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, Creative New Mexico, New Mexico Out of School Time Network, as NM Afterschool Ambassador, emeritus. Mentored youth storytellers to travel state-wide (some bilingual) and presented at Growers Markets, Afterschool Dia Family Celebrations and at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. Recipient of the NM Reading Association Literacy Award and the Annie E. Casey Literacy Award. Published Navajo/English Poetry book with the arts council, art and poetry by Navajo Prep students. Bilingual Fingerplay book in Spanish/English and Navajo/English language for early childhood. A member of STNM since its inception, and a former Board President, Flo hopes to support STNM programming and excellence, especially any youth storytelling initiatives, community-based storytelling events statewide, including those directed at Spanish-speaking audiences. She may draw upon STNM to provide storytellers for events in Farmington.