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Adventures with Duende in the Forest

April 1, 10am
Bachechi Open Space
9521 Rio Grande Blvd, ABQ, NM

Michelle Adam offers children 5 and up and the entire family an experience that dates back to pre-television days.

She weaves a bilingual tale using a puppet and a Kamishibai Stage, a popular wooden box with alternating images that was used to tell interactive, engaging folktales in Japanese parks in the 1930s.

This is her 2nd story in a series of ADVENTURES WITH AN ELF that honors our earth, and teaches our children to love and care for her. Michelle’s most recent bilingual story, Adventures with Duende in the Forest, is a tale about an elf who invites a little girl to discover the magic of the forest.

It rhymes in two languages, invites participation from the entire family, and includes letters from animals and plants (and fungi) from the forest that children are asked to write or draw back to.