Tuesday, October 25, 2022
6:00 PM 8:00 PM
Canteen Brewhouse 2381 Aztec Road Northeast Albuquerque, NM, 87107 United States (map)
Duke City Story Slam
Theme: What Was I Thinking?!
We have three great featured stories about a parenting fail, a love-lorn trip to the big city and a dangerous encounter with a wild animal. Our tellers are Sabine Henrie, Michelle Adams and Rick Berg.
Did you ever do something that seemed like a good idea at the time only to realize you really hadn't thought it through very well and in hindsight you wonder "What was I Thinking?!" If so join us and throw your name in for the chance to be an open mic teller. Or come out and and enjoy a beer and a meal while you listen to some great stories!!
Duke City Story Slam is Albuquerque’s only story slam (friendly storytelling competition). An accessible event including both Featured Tellers and Open Mic-ers telling true personal stories on a quarterly theme. Prizes are given for the top scoring Featured and Open Mic Tellers and through the audience raffle.
Featured Tellers are recruited ahead of time and are provided with story crafting support and a rehearsal before the slam. They get 10-minutes on the mic to tell their story.
Open Mic Tellers can prep their story beforehand or spontaneously put their name in the hat at the mic for a chance to tell their 5-minute true story on that month’s theme
Storytelling guidelines:
True Story
Your Story
No notes, props, or music
No -isms will be tolerated
Storytelling, not stand-up
Storytelling, not therapy
Stay within the time limit