NOTE: We’ll meet on the 3rd Wednesday in September, not on our usual 2nd Wednesday.
6:30-8:30 Mountain time
Please feel welcome to attend our next gathering as a teller or listener.
Here’s our topic for September:
“And the Seasons, They go Round and Round”
With the Autumnal Equinox we look at balance, light and dark, and the “Circle Game” of the Earth’s—and our—seasonal changes. How are your seasons going?
Here is Joni Mitchell singing her song at the Newport Folk Festival in July:
If you don’t know the story of this performance, google it! May we all keep on telling our stories and singing our songs.
Do you have a story of the seasons—traditional, personal, literary? If so, bring it to tell at our September 21 gathering, and remember that you’re welcome to bring another tale, new or old, something you’d like to run through or something time-tested that you enjoy telling.
Eight minutes or less please.
We look forward to hearing your story. Listeners as well as tellers are welcomed.
If you are newly joining us, we ask that you take your first session to listen to our stories and to observe our process.
Please RSVP and/or ask questions to both Lucinda and Regina; email addresses are below.