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STNM Annual Meeting

  • Friends Meeting House 1600 5th Street Northwest Albuquerque, NM, 87102 United States (map)

STNM’s annual meeting and installation of officers takes place on March 1, 2025 from 2-4:30 PM at the Friends Meeting House, 1600 5th St., NW, Albuquerque, NM (corner of 5th St., & Bellamah).

The annual meeting is a significant time in the STNM year. Not only do we welcome and install a new volunteer board of directors, but we set the goals and plans for the coming year.

Be part of the story! All are welcome to attend, virtually or in person.

Let us know if you have a topic for the agenda — email us at:

Earlier Event: February 25
Albuquerque Story Crafting
Later Event: March 11
Duke City Story Slam