Please feel welcome to attend our next gathering as a teller or a listener.
Here is our topic for October:
How could we resist, this being October? So, got any? Skeletons, that is. In or out of the closet. Or simply a story about bones, literal or figurative. Or, this being October, a story about flying off on your broomstick. Or simply a great story for Halloween, or Day of the Dead, or when the veils are thin, this time of year.
Lots of choices. How close to the bone do you want to get?
Bring any story you are working on, or want to share, traditional or personal; or simply bring your good listening and if you choose, please join the conversation. We’ll stick to our approximate 8-minute time limit, please.
Please RSVP to both Lucinda and Regina to get the Zoom link for this StoryCrafting event.