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Santa Fe Story Crafters: It’s June. Let the Sun Shine In!

It’s June. Let the Sun Shine In!

Our sun is about to take a pause in its journey and “stand still.” (Solstice is on June 20th.) On the three days before and after the Summer Solstice, we are seemingly suspended in the light, held in the light of our star. Flowers open, stretch out a bit, and bloom. So can we.

We thought we’d explore that sense of being held by or in the Light. And with that, the deep joy of release, and expansion. It is such a healing time of year.

Do any of those thoughts spark a story? Craft it, hone it (8 minutes!), bring it to share with us. And as ever, if you have something else you’re working on, we’d love to hear it.

Please RSVP to both Lucinda and Regina.